OH, FOR THE LOVE OF TERMITES! Pretending to black out, laying on the guilt, acting super nice, using reverse psychology... the thirsty-to-the-point-of-collapse Dino will try ANYTHING to get Rhino to hand over his juice box. As funny antics ensue, find out what happens when their friendship is pushed to the breaking point... because this is NOT another book about sharing!
Every Rhino & Dino book comes with a little-known, amazing fact about the environment to help kids save the world.
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ISBN: 978-1-7330141-3-7, matte scratch-resistant hardcover, library bound, 40 pages, first in the standalone Rhino & Dino series, best for ages 4-8+ (though adults tend to love Rhino & Dino as much as kids do!). *Honored as one of the Top 10 Children's Books by the Wisconsin Library Association!
Rhino & Dino in: Juice! Hardcover Book
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